Monday, December 26, 2016

Belarus to tax unemployed

                 The most goofy deсree against „social parasites” is getting more active in Belarus. This remedy has been created to “prevent” social dependency of a Belarusian citizen on a state. Currently, all unemployed people are obliged to pay the tax of unemployment. It concerns also people who are not searching for a job – e.g. housewives.  Belarus is not welfare state, and an unemployed person does not receive a financial support from the state so he could pay his rent, bill and food. However, the government states that unemployed people use the state infrastructure. It is a mystery where an unemployed person could find a money to pay a tax, if he does not have an income?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Books that should be always accessible

             We all like different genres of literature and different authors. We read in different languages. Recently I found a very wise quote on the cover of the book written by E. M. Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front": this book should be printed out in millions of exemplars in different languages, be read in schools and be sent to all fighting groups. Remarque was one of the few being able describe all the tragedies of war: there is no place for glory, there is only hopelessness. To my big surprise I found only one book by Remarque in the biggest book shop in Bonn. And I felt it was not right. Books of Remarque should be always present on the book shelves in Germany as all books of S. Alexievich should be accessible in all book shops in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are things in history that we cannot afford to forget.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Blog's birthday - one year!

                The whole year this blog has served readers as a source of information, recent news, reactions and facts from Eastern Europe and Russia. All materials have been chosen carefully from the dozens of everyday news in order to outline the most important occurrences in the region. Once it was said that the most vital news are written by small print on the last page of the newspaper. There is too much noise out there and it is curtail to see the root of the issue not only its reason. This is how this blog has spent one year. I am grateful to people who have supported me with the idea of blog and to ones who are my constant inspiration!

Special thanks to for almost all pictures posted here!