Thursday, March 24, 2016

Visa to Europe for Ukraine

 The implementation of a visa liberalization for Ukrainian citizens traveling to the European Union might see the day light very soon. The European Commission and its President, Jean-Claude Junker, has observed the improvement of reforms in Ukraine. The politicians in Brussels has marked a good work of Ukrainian government in system reformation. The possible proposal on visa liberalization for Ukrainians could be made in April this year. This would be a big step towards the better cooperation and relations between EU and Ukraine. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Black day of Russian justice

 Dramatic events on the 22 March in Brussels naturally took over the European news space. However, another not less tragic event happened yesterday in Russia: Ukrainian symbol of resistance, Nadiya Savchenko has been sentenced to 22 years imprisonment. N. Savchenko is not the only Ukrainian who goes through illegal trial in Russia. Nevertheless, her story is the most covered by the western media. As she stated earlier, after the sentence she would go on “dry” hunger strike. The sanction list  of individuals involved in the case of N. Savchenko has been passed by President of Ukraine to EU leaders.

Monday, March 21, 2016

"I will be back"

Russian troops are not in a hurry to leave Syria. The statement that the main part of Russian
army would be withdrawn till the 20th of March, yet does not lead to a real action. Russia troops still conduct military operations in Syria. And their presence does not seem to get smaller.
Vladimir Putin also emphasized that despite the official statement about the withdrawal of Russian troops, the Russian air forces would be able to come back to Syria anytime, whenever it is needed.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Power of Propaganda

 The United States Senate is concerned with the foreign propaganda and disinformation on the territory of US. There is no authorized mechanism to combat foreign propaganda on the national level. US government confirmed the budget of 787 millions for all operations regarding the broadcasting in the whole world in 2017. Meanwhile, Kremlin spends only on the one office in Washington of the Russia Today Channel nearly half of a billion. Propaganda is very powerful tool. It is not a sort of independent media or a point of view of the other counterpart. Propaganda poisons people’s minds.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Crimea: milestone of US-Russian dialog

Two years ago Russia annexed Crimea after the referendum taken place on the 16th March 2014 during the most tragic historical moment for Ukrainians. Today US government maintains its readiness to keep sanctions against Russia until Kremlin returns Crimea to Ukraine. The situation of freedom of speech and prosecution of ethnic and religious minorities in Crimea is disturbing. One hundred countries supported the UN Resolution qualifying the results of Crimean referendum as illegitimate.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Russia cannot be understood with the mind alone

 Russian politic is full of surprises. And sudden decisions. Just yesterday the Russian military in Syria was performing its regular duty. The statement about the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria was not foreseen by anyone. Russian started it’s military actions after the decision of Russian President on the 30th of September 2015. That time Mr. Putin decided that Russia has to help their “brothers” in Syria and yesterday evening without any known reason he decided that was enough.

The Russian Navy based in the port of Tartus and the military airbase in Latakia will remain. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Games of Thrones – Russian scenario

Today V. Putin announced all of a sudden that a withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria. Certainly, not entire military. The official reasons are a) objectives were accomplished b) it is according with the peace talks in Geneva. Has the objectives of the Russian military presence been accomplished? It depends what exactly were these objectives. If one of the aims was to create a migration crisis in Europe – partially it was accomplished. However, it did not bring chaos and instability in Europe. Maybe the Russian economic situation is getting worse...What was the purpose of Russian project in Syria is till a big question. However, it is over. For now.

Politics of Russia in Syrian War

Russian presence in Syria makes the situation more complicated to be resolved. By destroying civil infrastructure in Syria Russia forces  Syrians to leave their homeland and seek for an asylum elsewhere. By protecting the current Syrian ruling power of Bashar al-Assad and Alawites Russian government intends to save their army bases and influence in the region. However, this makes the huge obstacle for stabilization of the situation in the country. „There are so many parties in the Syrian war right now. There was a chance to save the country just at the beginning of the war. However, after five years I do not see how this war may be ended” – said Syrian whose family stays in Tartus, controlled by Russian army.

Friday, March 11, 2016

No place for human rights

        In Russia, where rule of law “presents in its strongest form”, the situation when human rights activists and journalist were beaten was accepted as a minor rumor. The human rights activists from Russia, Norway and Sweden were driving in the Chechen Republic in Russia, when their car was stopped and burnt. People were beaten badly and their belongings were taking away. The administration of the President of he Republic did not confirm the incident. It is a clear signal that on that territory there are another rules and one should play according them.

                                                                                                                                 Фото: @eskovoroda

How much truth in Ukrainian President's words?

Independent analytic platform, VoxUkraine, launched a great initiative. International and Ukrainian experts analyse the latest speech of President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in order to detect how much truth or lie is there. The analysis shows how many times the President “made mistake” while answering to the journalists. What are the decisions he support undoubtedly and what are the weak issues read here (available in English, Ukrainian and Russian): Political Experiment

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A True Hero of Our Time

The result of illegal trial on Nadiya Savchenko is not what the Mr. Putin expected. Instead of showing to the entire world a “cruelty” of Ukrainians killing Russian defenceless journalist, there are  hundred thousands people all over the world who are opposing Savchenko’s imprisonment. The image of Russia (because it is not only Mr. Putin’s who is involved) becomes more as “residence of Evil”.  Nadiya Savchenko became and will remain the symbol of the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian occupation. The symbol of fearless and brave woman combating alone against rusty and inefficient Russian judicial system, with the regime built on fear and ignorance.

pic. from Facebook group: FreeSavchenko global day of support

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What stays behind the International Women’s Day?

Nowadays this holidays does not symbolize the women’s fight for the equality and emancipation as it was in the beginning of the XX century. There were some virtually insane ways of celebrations, e.g. one old Soviet newspaper mentioned: “the women have celebrated the International Women’s Day by going on foot from Minsk to Bobruysk in gas masks”…

 In Europe women mostly feel enough equal and independent from men so should this holiday still exist? Yes, because what we need today is more women-leaders. Women who become a great inspiration for other women. There is no holiday that can empower and strengthen women. But one woman by her example can. And today my biggest inspiration is Nadiya Savchenko.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The last Hope for Russian government to save face

Trial on Nadiya Savchenko tightens a noose around the neck of Russian government. Suffering of one person has often the same reaction as suffering of a million people. N. Savchenko vowed hunger strike after she was not allowed for her statement during the trial on March 4th, 2016. The trial has been postpone till March 9th. If she is found guilty, she will be imprisoned for 23 years. The trial on N. Savchenko violates the human rights and has illegal character. Prisoner has been abducted by pro-Russian separatists and smuggled to Russia.

In Ukrainian name “Nadiya”  (in Russian "Nadezhda") is also the word for “Hope”. A face of this last “Hope” is a beautiful and brave face of the Ukrainian woman, soldier and politician.

                                Foto: EPA