Monday, December 26, 2016

Belarus to tax unemployed

                 The most goofy deсree against „social parasites” is getting more active in Belarus. This remedy has been created to “prevent” social dependency of a Belarusian citizen on a state. Currently, all unemployed people are obliged to pay the tax of unemployment. It concerns also people who are not searching for a job – e.g. housewives.  Belarus is not welfare state, and an unemployed person does not receive a financial support from the state so he could pay his rent, bill and food. However, the government states that unemployed people use the state infrastructure. It is a mystery where an unemployed person could find a money to pay a tax, if he does not have an income?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Books that should be always accessible

             We all like different genres of literature and different authors. We read in different languages. Recently I found a very wise quote on the cover of the book written by E. M. Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front": this book should be printed out in millions of exemplars in different languages, be read in schools and be sent to all fighting groups. Remarque was one of the few being able describe all the tragedies of war: there is no place for glory, there is only hopelessness. To my big surprise I found only one book by Remarque in the biggest book shop in Bonn. And I felt it was not right. Books of Remarque should be always present on the book shelves in Germany as all books of S. Alexievich should be accessible in all book shops in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are things in history that we cannot afford to forget.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Blog's birthday - one year!

                The whole year this blog has served readers as a source of information, recent news, reactions and facts from Eastern Europe and Russia. All materials have been chosen carefully from the dozens of everyday news in order to outline the most important occurrences in the region. Once it was said that the most vital news are written by small print on the last page of the newspaper. There is too much noise out there and it is curtail to see the root of the issue not only its reason. This is how this blog has spent one year. I am grateful to people who have supported me with the idea of blog and to ones who are my constant inspiration!

Special thanks to for almost all pictures posted here!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Castro's death: flowers and tears in Russia

               Why do some Russians and  other post-social countries’ citizens sadden about the death of Fidel Castro? President Putin stated that “the whole era went away along with the death of Castro”. But what was that era? Maybe the era of imprisonment of 5% of Cuba’s population, economical stagnation, significant poverty in the entire state which had a developing economy before the revolution? We are used to praise the people who stands for progress both in human rights and in improvement of human being conditions. What is going to happen with societies which starts to praise persons who were cruel to its people in the name of ideas that do not implicate to any kind of progress? 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Russia and the International Criminal Court

             Russia withdraws from the International Criminal Court (ICC), though it had never ratified the agreement at the first place. It might seem like Putin is bothered by the accusations of Crimea’s occupation or other investigations against Russia. However, it is just another way of making it clear to the world that Russia does not care much about what is going on. Kremlin does not respect the international organizations which serves them as a platforms to show their power and bias. Up until now Russia has not ratified the Paris agreement on Climate Change. It is also another tool to make the rest of the countries to consider Russia as an important partner for negotiations in the international arena.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Magnitsky: tragedy of whistleblower in Russia

    Seven years ago a Russian citizen, Sergei Magnitsky, died being imprisoned in Moscow jail without a trial. Magnitsky was an auditor specialized on civil law investigating the case of Hermitage Capital Management that has been indicted of tax evasion. During the investigation he detected the involvement of police, tax officials and Russian mafia in the big corrupt scheme. Magnitsky was accused of covering a fraud committed by Hermitage. The tragedy reveals the dramatic level of corruption spreaded in the entire Russian system starting from police and judiciary and ending in organized crime. Today citizens of Russia state that corruption is the third biggest problem in Russia besides economy and health care. Nevertheless, the corruption is the problem number one that causes all other problems.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Obama: US supports democracy in Ukraine

                President of the United States Barack Obama is currently in Greece with his last foreign visit as a President. Today in his speech at the Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center in Athens he has unfolded the essence of democracy nowadays. He also outlined that US supports Ukraine and its citizens on the way of bringing the democracy and the rule of law to their state. According to Obama the democratic states with strong democratic institutions are more stable and prosper more. His words rang out in the country where democracy was born long time ago – in Ellada. However, there are still vast numbers of countries where people cannot use fully their rights as citizens.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

TrA(m)p situation: the new US president is elected

                People of US have made their choice – the next US President is Donald Trump. The world has reacted differently on the news. Regular people, markets, politicians, there was no indifference, the world seemed to divide. Somehow it concerns everyone. This is the reason why US election's results have place among Eastern European affairs.
               Maybe there is  pointless to discuss why people vote for populists, however, it is important to acknowledge that through the eight years of Obama’s policy not efficient in many areas, Americans decided they needed someone like Trump that time. A perception of Hillary as an another person coming from establishment, a “clan”, made her chances to win smaller. Churchill said: Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others” but let’s remember there are still the strong democratic institutions that will impact the US policy besides Trump. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Saakashvili: the reformer not a puppet

               Today Mikheil Saakashvili resigned from the position of the Governor of Odesa Oblast’ (Ukraine). He was appointed on this position by the President Petro Poroshenko last year. Saakashvili has a reputation of corruption combater in Georgia by implementing very successful reforms starting in 2003. If Ukrainians hoped for a miracle like it happened in Georgia, they would be disappointed. There is no only one person or element that would magically fix the things. The key element of success in combating corruption is a political will. Apparently, there is neither a strong political will nor the power of people to support the changes in the corruption system of Ukraine.  

US elections: when the whole world is watching

     One of the biggest political tension of the year will be resolved this week. Tomorrow the US citizens will choose their next president. The outcome of this elections will change dramatically not only the domestic affairs but it will impact the US foreign policy. Everyone is aware of it. Putin will fight for presidency of Trump till the very end and after it. He understands that no matter how unpopular US president Hillary Clinton will become, but her position towards Russian’s aggression will be tough. And he cannot let happen. Tomorrow the people of USA will vote not only for the future of their country, they will vote for the future of the world. There is no a bipolar world anymore, but the feeling is very similar.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bialowieza forest in France

             It was a big pleasure and great experience to present our project “Bialowieza forest – European natural heritage” in Nantes, France last week. Besides the opportunity to explain the importance of the oldest forest in Europe and to show pictures of amazing nature and animals to the participants of the forum, we have received a great feedback! Radio of Nantes broadcasted the interview with me and my project partner last Friday and I hope people from Brittany discovered Bialowieza forest as their next tourist destination. Early next year we will confirm the project implementation and its form more precise: it will be an art installations inspired by Bialowieza and a workshop with an expert from Belarus in Warsaw. We will be grateful for any additional support!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Four-way talks in Berlin: the weight of promisses

            The one and half years ago four-way talks were focused on armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine only. Yesterday the Syrian issue was added to a meeting of the heads of Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia. Apparently, the meeting was more a formal way of showing that West is interested in regulate the conflict though dialog in a peaceful way. Putin agrees on certain things, however the question is would these agreements be respected? Putin used to agree and sign documents on e.g. ceasefire anf the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine but keep destabilizing the situation in Ukraine and bombing Syrian city Allepo targeting kindergartens and hospitals. What is the cost of the word when Kremlin talks?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Eastern Ukraine: "Motorola" was killed

               One of the leaders of self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic Arsen Pavlov, nickname „Motorola”, was killed by an explosion in the elevator. He was an ex-Russian soldier who came to Eastern Ukraine to support its occupation by Russians. “Motorola” was known by his cruelty: he was torturing and killing captives. Was his death a demonstrative one? The colleagues of “Motorola” will state with foam at the mouth that it was a deed of the President of Ukraine, special agency etc. If it is so, it means the Ukrainian forces are much more skilled perfuming such mission. However, Russian forces are the part of the system where there should be only one leader and there is no place for any other. “What nourishes me destroys me”.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Russia Today in UK: violation of freedom of speech or stopping propaganda?

                 How fast will a tool of propaganda start demanding the “freedom of speech”? Today all UK accounts of the biggest broadcaster of pro-Kremlin propaganda Russia Today (RT) have been frozen. Was it an attempt of the UK banks to stop dealing with such ambiguous partner? Or has the UK government finally decided to bring the spread of misleading information to the end? Russian government invests more than half a billion USD only for the RT. It is broadcasting all over the world from Moscow and Washington studios in English, Arabic, Spanish, German, French and Russian. It is very important to not mix the propaganda with independent media or „journalistic second opinion”.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Belarus: homo sovieticus mindset still wins

              While Belarus tries its best to improve its cooperation with West - what is a very rational step, subconsciously it is still on the other side of iron curtain. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Vladimir Makei, stated that Belarus would like to have good neighbourhood relations with its partners from West like the EU and other geopolitical enemies like US and China. The Minister probably meant “players” but the homo sovieticus mindset did not want to give up so easily. In the psychoanalysis it is called a Freudian slip, but how is it called in the politics?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Georgia: between Europe and Russia

                The ruling party Georgian Dream has proven they were still popular (48%) among the nation after the parliamentary elections on October 9. The opposition - the United National Movement (UNM), took about 27%. Earlier the founder of UNM and the former President of Georgia and, M. Saakashvili, stated that if he was in Georgia, the party would win. He added, no mater what would be an outcome of the elections, he would not leave his post in Ukraine. There is also a big possibility that the populist pro-Russian party, Alliance of Patriots, will also enter the parliament. Preliminary report of the OSCE election observation mission to Georgia evaluated election positively. Will the new parliament bring Georgia closer to the EU and NATO?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Belarus in focus: event at the Lew Kopelew Forum

            Yesterday I had an amazing opportunity to speak about the situation in Belarus at the Lew Kopelew Forum in Cologne, Germany. Besides such interesting topics as a recent shift in the Belarusian foreign policy, I spoke about the role of elections (Presidential and Parliamentary) in the authoritarian regime. The position of the civil society in Belarus, Russian influence, Belarusization were hot topics for discussion. I was so grateful to the public for very interesting, at the same time challenging questions and comments! There was not enough time to cover all aspects of the situation in Belarus and I am looking forward to receiving more invitations.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

               Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, Kirill, has decided that it is not enough to teach people by love but by punishment. After huge controversial law proposal of total abortion prohibition in Poland, where the abortion is banned for many decades (except three circumstances), Russia’s head of church has seen a niche for an improvement in Russia’s law. The situation with abortions in Russia is already so dramatic that such law will bring more harm to unborn children, mothers and society in general. The traditional methods of abortion, illegal “hospitals” with unqualified “specialists” in basements, left newborns in the streets will bloom and expand.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The cost of truth: flight MH17

             Today the Joint-Investigation Team (JIT) has revealed the outcome of the investigation regarding the catastrophe of flight MH17 in July 2014. The missile was fired by Russian-made Buk from the territory controlled by Russian separatists. For some people it did not come as a revelation, for others even most obvious facts won’t be enough. This investigation might be important being another evidence of Russian forces’ presence in eastern Ukraine. But how many people are still doubting? The most horrifying and sad moment is that the acknowledgement of Russian aggression in Ukraine costs 298 lives.

Corruption is not the tradition

                One of the biggest myths in fighting corruption is an opinion that the corruption is embedded in the tradition and culture of the country. Indeed, certain mentality might become an obstacle in diminishing the level of corruption, however, it can be changed. Everyone agrees that the political will plays the greater role in combating corruption. It is also able to change the way people perceive the presence and necessity of corruption in their life. By a Soviet mentality people used to blame corruption, nevertheless, rarely refuse to use it for a personal gain. Eastern European countries will prosper only when you can't buy your way into the queue (I.Clendinnen)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ukraine: visa liberalisation on the way

                The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of European Parliament approved to waive the visa requirements for Ukrainians. Previously, the visa liberalisation was expected to be implemented this summer. However, due to several legal and security issues that EU has to establish before Ukrainians would be able to enter the Schengen zone without a visa, it was postponed. Visa free regime will allow citizens of Ukraine who has valid biometric passports to visit Schengen zone (EU area excluding Ireland and UK and including Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) for business, touristic or family purpose. It does not give the right to work or stay longer than 90 days after entering. In order to finalize visa liberalisation Parliament and Council has to vote. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Belarus looks for new friends: USA

             Last week,  the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Vladimir Makei, visited USA. The goal of his visit was to establish peaceful relations with US. It goes as a big contrast to the events of 2008: belarusian government requested to significantly limit the number of employees in the US Embassy people and the US Ambassador, Karen Stewart, was recalled to Washington. There is a chance that US Embassy will start operating soon with an US Ambassador to Belarus. Belarusian government realises that Russia is not a reliable partner anymore. There is a necessity to find other sources of financial support in the face of deep economic crisis.

Friday, September 16, 2016

The road of death. Kuropaty.

The horrible secrets of the Kuropaty mass grave located in Minsk started to be discovered in 1988. The mass murders of political prisoners by Soviet secret police have been not yet very known by Belarusians. There were from 80 000 till 250 000 people executed there during 1938 – 1941. The remains of different class, ethnic and religions groups of victims were found there. Many remains being the main evidence of the crimes were removed during the “cleansing” in 50th. There are also assumption that victims of Katyn massacre (1940) were hidden in Kuropaty. That great tragedy of so many victims is still not acknowledged on the state level.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Elections in Belarus have not met OSCE requirements

                The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has deployed its election mission to Belarus on August 2 after receiving an invitation of the respective government. The Parliamentary Elections took place on September 11. On the press-conference the OSCE officials announced that despite efficiently Parliamentary election organization in Belarus, unfortunately, hardly any of previous OSCE recommendation has been fulfilled. There were several major remarks including the invisibility of campaign, ambiguity in assuring election process in appliance with OSCE standards by the constitutional and legal framework. There are restrictions on freedom of association and the media are restricted in its freedom of expression. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Belarusian law targets Skype and Viber

             New decree allows Belarusian operators to block or stop the telecommunication and IP-traffic. Skype has already an agreement with the operators and there should not be any problem for its users. However, other messengers like Viber could not work if a person will try to use it in order to call to the landline or mobile phone (Viber Out). Using the messengers for the communication inside an application (ex. call from Viber to Viber) should not meet any obstacles. How exactly operators will use this change, clients of Skype and Viber will check after the decree comes into force on September 18, 2016. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

To Belarus without visa

              The possibility of developing tourism in Belarus is growing. Until recently, a visa free movement was allowed only in Bialowierza forest, where foreigners did not need a visa for up to three days. Now the same system applies to the Augustow Canal, close to the one of the biggest Belarusian cities – Grodno. Foreigners can spend up to five days there without visa. However, the tendency of welcoming tourists might expand. There is a possibility that in a couple of months citizens of eighty countries could come to Belarus without visa. The only condition would be that they arrive at Minsk airport. 
Bialowierza Forest

Belarusian teacher is a new bureaucrat?

                 The education system in Belarus is getting more and more bureaucratic. Teachers in schools receive instructions from the Ministry of Education that looks good in theory, but cannot be applied in practice. The focus is on following instructions, but not on the content and quality of the knowledge. It seems like the new methodology has been developed without consideration of the human factors of teacher and students. Furthermore, teachers are asked to take care of the quality of the class room, its renovation, pay attention if the furniture complies with new laws, and is in line with new instructions.
               Is there any time left to teach students?

Saturday, August 27, 2016


           Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vsevolod Chaplin, openly stated in an interview that a murder of enemy - “state foe”, “fifth column” is legitimate by God. Later on, Chaplin supported the idea of the female circumcision, proposed by a mufti (Islamic scholar) in Dagestan. According to this inhuman idea women should not receive sexual pleasure; their role is to deliver children. The mufti refused this idea very fast, stating that actually this is not according to the Islam.
           When Orwell was writing his book “1984” did he predict the Russian future or does Russian ruling power creates the future according to the book?

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

In front of the entire planet

                It is crucial for Russia who will become the next US President from every angle. It is also not an enigma for the world that Russia would try to impact the outcome. Recent email leak of Democratic National Committee (DNC) revealing a preference for Hillary Clinton's campaign was commented by Barack Obama as possible action of Russian. The US foreign policy will change no matter who will be the President: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. However, Trump is more favourable for Russia as he likes Putin and his leadership and most probably would lift the sanctions. No doubt, Russia wants to see him as a leader of the first “enemy” country.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Games Russia plays

            The decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to not ban Russia from its participation in the Rio Games has been condemned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in particular. The IOC has chosen not to be linked to its decision but let it be solved at the level of the international federations. Despite the proof of four years state-sponsored doping program,  Russia will be represented at the Games.  Apparently, there is another power of decision making, not based on facts and justice. The IOC also denied the participation in Games of whistleblower Yulia Stepanova, discouraging whistleblowing in sport.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Russia: will The Olympic Mishka stay home?

               While International Olympic Committee (IOC) delays its decision on ban the participation of Russia in the Rio Games a tension is growing. However, there is no sign of guilt in Russia. Russian officials do not want to take collective responsibility, blaming athletes themselves despite the allegations of state-sponsored doping.  Whereas the sport community decides whether Russian sportsmen should be in Rio next month, is should consider the sportsmen from all over the world. Olympic Games is not only ground for community, international contacts but also arena of fairness and just. If one country has not played fair, should it be forgiven without any consequences? 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pavel Sheremet: life that won't be replaced

            Recently, Belarusians were remembering the disappearance of the journalist Dmitry Zavadky in 2000. Sixteen years later there is still no evidence, no track of finding out what had happened to him. Today shocking news about death of  the Belarusian journalist, Pavel Sheremet, strengthen the acknowledgement of dangerous position of independent media and journalists in particular. Pavel Sheremet was killed by explosion of his car this morning in Kyiv. Ukrainian General Prosecutor states that it was a murder. Will this time justice find its way by exposing a perpetrator? There is always hope for good, nevertheless today Belarus and the region lost its prominent journalist. 


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

One in one out?

            It seemed like what could be worse than one of the EU member states would leave the European Union? It would mean that EU lost its appeal for the countries willing to join the Union. It also seemed like EU would stop its enlargement for many years. In reality no one got scared that people of the United Kingdom have decided - the EU is no good for them. Western Balkans  and Ukraine are still looking in the direction of the EU membership. At the same time, EU does not close the doors in front of them after the outcome of British referendum. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekend in Turkey

            This weekend could not be relaxing for Europe by all means: attempt of coup in Turkey, unclear tension in Yerevan, Armenia. Till Monday the leadership of getting less democratic states in the region has moved to President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It is not yet clear how exactly the EU-Turkey, Turkey-Russia relationship will evolve in these circumstances. Recently tension between Turkey and Russia has decreased: Russian tourists happily recommenced spending summer vacations in so familiar Turkish resorts. Would Putin cooperate better with Erdogan seeing in him the same spirit, only further events will reveal it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement signed

Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) has been signed in Kyiv, where Minister of Canada,  Justin Trudeau, is with his two days visit. Before its implementation the agreement have to be ratified by parliaments of two countries.  CUFTA allows not only preferential access for goods to the territories of Ukraine and Canada but also impacts such areas like cooperation in trade, public procurement, regulation in the trade disagreements and intellectual property rights.  President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, states that Canadian businessmen are invited to take part in the Ukrainian privatization that will be proceeded in transparent and efficient way.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Afanasyev and Soloshenko released

 Illegaly imprisoned in Russia, Ukrainian citizens Hennadiy Afanasyev and Yuriy Soloshenko, have been returned to Ukrainian soil yesterday.  Afanasyev was accused of participation in a “terrorist group”, kidnapped in 2014, beaten up, tortured and forced to testify against  Oleksandr Kolchenko and Oleg Sentsov (currently imprisoned in Russia). Ukrainian pensioner, Soloshenko captured in Moscow in 2015, being accused of “espionage”.  According the President Poroshenko, the release of prisoners has happened due to efficient work of Minsk agreements. He reminded that the goal of Ukrainian state was to return all Ukrainian hostages held in Russia.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Georgia: EU visa free movement dispute

Georgian state has fulfilled all requirements to obtain a visa-free movement for its citizens in the European Union. Delay in EU visa liberation for Georgia is a result of foreseeing approach to the process by Germany and France. Politicians of these countries would prefer to have a back up plan: fast return of visa regime if there is a rise of illegal actions caused by Georgians (or other nations granted visa-free movement) in EU. In media Georgian situation is presented along with Turkish, however, these cases are very different. Georgians just need a little bit of patience, meanwhile there is a long process of negotiations regarding requirements fulfilment with Turkey.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Boris Nemtsov Foundation Prize 2016

On Sunday, June 12 2016, the Boris Nemtsov Foundation Prize will be awarded in Bonn, Germany to Lev Schlosberg, Russian journalist and human rights activist. Lev Schlosberg was the first who published the material about death of two Russian paratroopers from Pskov on Ukrainian soil in 2014. The prize for “outstanding courage in fighting for democratic values, human rights and freedom in Russia” will be awarded for the first time. Top 5 candidates for the award was Ildar Dadin, Lev Schlossberg, Victor Shenderovich, Aleksiej Nawalny and Nadiya Savchenko. Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom was established by Zhanna Namtsova, a daughter of murdered in 2015 Russian politician, Boris Nemtsov.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Imitation of normal life in Luhansk

Maria Varfolomeieva, Ukrainian photojournalist, was captured by separatists in Luhansk (East Ukraine). She was accused of belonging to the “Right Sector” and imprisoned for 14 months. There was neither proper investigation nor trial.
            Varfolomeieva describes life in Luhansk nowadays as a “imitation of life in Russia”. Hospitals are open but there are no medicine. Schools work without books because the ones used previously are not “updated” anymore. National university is empty because no one wants to get a diploma from “Luhansk People’s Republics”. Residents of Luhansk think that they belong to Russia, however Russia is not eager to recognize them. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Glory of Ukraine

Yesterday Nadiya Savchenko imprisoned by Russia pilot and deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament has been released and safely arrived to her motherland. Presidential aircraft transported her from Russia to Ukraine where her mother and sister could not wait to greet her. As well as entire Ukrainian nation and people from all over the world who were waiting for that day for a long time. Let’s hope that this day would mark the time when a country started value its citizen, when its fight for him/her. There were dark times in Eastern Europe when prisoner of war returned to a country and immediately accused for betrayal was sent to concentration camp. A motherland did not want such heroes, hero had to die no matter what. Is it worth to die for your motherland or is it worth to live for it? Live and bring glory to your land, unbroken bravery and endless readiness to serve it.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

News from Vatican

The news about possible visit of Pope Francis to Belarus left sleepless from excitement Belarusian Catholics. Belarusian President, Lukashenko, recently visiting Vatican proposed to Pope Francis to come to Belarus. How much will was in these words, no one knows. Perhaps, the last year meeting of heads of EU states for Minsk agreement in Belarus inspired Lukashenko for further development of his image as a “peacekeeper”. And the Pope’s parting wishes that „Minsk could be the place of peace” left a hope for him to stop being a derelict in the international community. Anyway, Belarusians would be so happy to host Pope Francis in their beautiful motherland.

Monday, May 16, 2016


The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 taken place in Sweden is Jamala representing Ukraine with her song “1944”. The song is dedicated to the tragedy of Crimean Tatars, deported from their motherland. Nowadays, the Crimean Tatars again undergo the human rights abuse in annexed by Russia Crimea. In regard of political motive of the song, Russian state reacts inadequate, even calling to boycott the next year Contest that will take place in Ukraine. If the Contest became political is the discussion for the last five years. However, the beauty of the song and the message that could be applied to ethnic groups being oppressed all over the world should be heard.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The victor and the victim

I would like to add a comment to my previous piece on the Russian way of celebrating the Victory Day. When people are caring the portraits of Stalin on the streets, sticking on the car stickers “1941-1945 we can repeat it”, it does not look like there is a common understanding of the tragedy of war. There is no memory of the Soviet invasion on Poland in 1939, or Katyn massacre in 1940. There are always two sites of one medal and somehow Russia chooses the bright one: the victor and the victim at the same time. But is it possible?

Great Patriotic War vs II World War

The Victory Day of the “Great Patriotic War” (Russian II World War), 9 of May, in the former republic of Soviet Union shows how by using collective memory a government is able to change the perception of the biggest tragedy of humankind. One of the most popular holiday in Russia, when just a few veterans are marching among the big crowds of young people and children. They are celebrating the heroism of their grandfathers, forgetting to remember the victims. They have replaced the greatest sadness by the high joy. But is there any place for celebration on the land, where millions were lost unfair sentenced to death? 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Politics and environment

Where ends the government and starts the country? In Belarus these two dimensions are two very different things. It seems like the untrue actions of government shades a true beauty of Belarusian nature.  Because of a constant focus on political and economical situation in Belarus, people forget that Belarus possesses the most beautiful and oldest forests in Europe. These forests are the “lungs” of Europe. Due to a media noise people do not know that Belarus is called “blue eyed” because of thousands of lakes on its territory. To remember about our natural heritage and protect it, if the government does not do it, this should be done by each of us. 

Lake created in chalk quarry

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What is Chernobyl today?

               Today is the 30th anniversary of the biggest anthropogenic catastrophe in the history of human kind. The Chernobyl disaster took place on the 26 April 1986. When I was growing up in Belarus the notion of ‘Children of Chernobyl’ accompanied us. We grew up acknowledging the catastrophe, however we still do not know how it has changed us. For the current Belarusian government the problem of Chernobyl does not exist. It ignores the disaster, its ‘Children of Chernobyl’ and the millions of people affected by the catastrophe. How many more lives, diseases and years should Belarusians pay to know the truth?

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Polish reformer in Ukraine

Leszek Balcerowicz, the former Finance Minister of Poland, has become the president’s representative in the Cabinet of Ministers in Ukraine. Balcerowicz is famous by his drastic but very efficient “shock therapy” package implemented in the 90s in Poland. There are voices (among of them Saakashvili) stating that there are many local experts who are worth to take such posts. They are right. However, Saakashvili was also invited from “outside” in order to create an efficient and corruption-free government. In order to break the oligarchy power in Ukraine it is prescribed to have people, who are not involved in the corruption machinery.

I encourage you to read more about the reforms of Balcerowicz and Saakashvili and how they should be implemented in Ukraine in my article here.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Visa-free travel to EU for Ukrainians

Despite scepticism of many people (unfortunately, mostly Ukrainians) the EU-Ukraine visa liberalisation will soon reach its fortunate end. The negative results of the referendum in the Netherlands on April 6 seemed to decrease hopes of Ukrainians for the EU associate agreement. However, on April 20 the European Commission has announced and published a proposal regarding the visa-free travel for Ukrainians. The proposal has been addressed to EU Parliament and the Council. The document does not include any other requirements to be fulfilled by the Ukrainian side. The real possible date of a final decision is June 2016.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Nadiya Savchenko: “my word cannot be taken away”

The agreement on release of N. Savchenko has been achieved between Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin by telephone call on Monday, April 20. Mother and sister of Nadiya along with P. Poroshenko had a telephone call with her yesterday. Despite the poor health after the dry hunger strike of Russian illicit prisoner, sentenced for 22 years, N. Savchenko’s spirit is strong and unshakable. Her reaction on the news about her possible release was very a strong as N. Savchenko herself: “the last word belongs to me and it cannot be taken away”.